​Camino Day 6 - Estella to Los Arcos - 13.2 miles — The Good(ish) Traveler


welcome to The Good(ish) Traveler! here we document travel, food,  weird airbnbs and more food. 

​Camino Day 6 - Estella to Los Arcos - 13.2 miles

​Camino Day 6 - Estella to Los Arcos - 13.2 miles

Today was one of those days full of wonderful weird things. First, there was the blacksmith who made beautiful sculptures and from whom we bought hand forged shell pendants, the symbol of the Camino. Then, the wine fountain, which is just as cool as it sounds. Next, the "primitivo" named Roland, who was walking the Camino with nothing but a flute and his donkey, Rocinante. After that, we came upon a woman sitting under a tree playing an accordion masterfully, with nothing but wheat fields and vineyards for miles in all directions. Lastly, this town. For all appearances, it's just another small village in Spain, but there's something odd about it. Other than the people running the restaurant where we ate dinner, and the two person staff of our albergue who went home hours ago, I haven't seen anyone other than pilgrims. It's decidedly eerie. 


Make no mistake, Tiffany and I live for these days though so we couldn't be happier. Other than it being a bit hot, it was a pretty easy day too, and definitely my favorite so far.


Tomorrow will be challenging sheerly due to distance. We're hiking 17 miles but the terrain should be fairly uneventful and Logroño will be our reward.


Buen Camino.

Camino Day 7 - Los Arcos to Logroño - 17.2 miles

Camino Day 7 - Los Arcos to Logroño - 17.2 miles

​Camino Day 5 - Puenta la Reina to Estella - 13.6 miles

​Camino Day 5 - Puenta la Reina to Estella - 13.6 miles

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